JFrog Integration

How to configure the CLI if the CI pipeline can only communicate with a JFrog artifact server

  1. Go to JFrog and create a new remote repository:

    • Select the repository type Generic.

    • Set the Repository Key as seal-cli.

    • Set the URL as https://cli.sealsecurity.io/authenticated/jfrog.

    • Set the User Name as jfrog.

    • Set the Password / Access Token as the token to the Seal artifact server. See here about how to create a new token.

    • Turn on Propagate Query Parameters.

    • Turn on Disable URL Normalization.

    • Turn off Store Artifacts Locally.

  2. Go to JFrog and create an additional remote repository according to the ecosystem-specific instructions.

  3. Generate a new JFrog access token:

    • Set Token scope as "User".

    • Set User name to be your user.

    • Set Expiration time to "Never".

    • Turn on Create Reference Token.

    • Click Generate and save the reference token for the next steps.

  4. Configure the CLI:

    • Similar to the instructions here, we need to configure the authentication with JFrog. We can either use environment variables or the .seal-config.yml.

    • Using environment variables:

    • export SEAL_JFROG_AUTH_TOKEN=<token> # the reference token created in the previous step
      export SEAL_JFROG_INSTANCE_HOST=<domain> # for example: domain.jfrog.io
      export SEAL_JFROG_ENABLED=1
      export SEAL_PROJECT=<project-id> # the ID of the current project
    • Using the .seal-config.yml:

    • jfrog:
        host: <doman> # for example: domain.jfrog.io
        token: <token> # the reference token created in the previous step
        enabled: true
      project: <project-id> # the ID of the current project

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